30 Amazing Open World Games You Need To Play AT LEAST ONCE [2022 Edition]

The open-world genre has been one of the most prominent ones in gaming, and for good reason. This medium relies on giving players a sense of escapism, and what better way to provide that than letting them loose in a virtual world that’s filled with opportunities and possibilities?

We have experienced a ton of great open-world games in recent years, and here are 30 of the best of all time.


  1. I was finde with the just cause 3 npcs which have no personalitie and fold like a chair if you tap them. Then i played farcry 4 and thought oh these npcs are way better. Then came rdr2 and holy moly the scope of interactions is insane. I dont want to go back to the lifeless npcs after playing rdr2

  2. Just Cause 3 better than 2 and far cry 3, 4, 5, primal and 6 better than 2

  3. Kingdom Come: Deliverance should be on the list. A beautiful recreation of an actual historical medieval setting with some really beautiful scenery and realistic sword fights with parries, feints, etc. (not your usual button-smashing hack-and-slash fare). It got a lot of flak for being buggy when it first came out, but for the most part those issues have been dealt with. And with the DLCs you could literally spend a couple of hundred hours of gameplay (or more, if you just want to get lost in the woods!).

    L.A. Noire should also be on the list for being a rather faithful recreation of late-1940s Los Angeles. So much so that if you're an Angelino and are familiar with some of the older L.A. landmarks, you can spot them in the game and use them as navigation aids. The odd interrogation mechanics can be a source of frustration, but it definitely deserves to be played at least once.

  4. It’s 2022 there’s literally no reason for you to not have bullet points for this type of video holy shit.

  5. divinity original sin 2 definitive edition is on offer on Xbox shop 60%

  6. shame this video is such low resolution.

  7. Whoever plays Horizon or Elden Ring plays with a skirt on at home. God of War!

  8. No matter how much people prause Far cry 2..it will always be underrated 😔

  9. State of Decay 2 and Days Gone are on of the BEST.

  10. I started playing GTA5 then I was hit by all the ni**er talk at the beginning. I didn’t pay to listen this bs. I stopped playing it and deleted it.

  11. I hate how you repeat each name twice

  12. Cyberpunk2077? better than a lot of the games presented here

  13. Not a single game appealed to me, I love open world and played Skyrim, GTA and some others in this list, but none are appealing in any way

  14. not having both new gen gow's and cyberpunk in list is robbery

  15. The only good games in this list are Sleeping Dogs,Just Cause 2 and Sleeping Dogs.
    I can skip the rest

  16. To me an open world game is where you can play the game without doing any main story missions or side missions. You can just exist in the world. Some of these games you can't do that.

  17. you put some shitty games BUT NOT MAD MAX?
    mad max is better then most here
    so is days gone

  18. Assassins Creed odyssey was a fun map to explore also

  19. If mafia didnt have the That Danm Race in it, it would be playable. Any game that makes me repeat a mission 5 times and still isnt completable is not worth my time.

  20. I had a whole ass usb to download gta 5 on and I broke it before it even finished downloaded my sped ass🧍🏽‍♂️

  21. Really, no chapters? Ain’t nobody got time for that.

  22. What no elder scrolls oblivion? Really enjoyed the forest.

  23. No other game is going to beat zelda botw if we talk about open world you know what i mean

  24. Best open world game was zelda botw hands down! Best open world game you know what i mean

  25. Zelda botw the best open world game of all time hands down! Everything else wast just a clone like!

  26. Days Gone , Dishonored 2, GR – Wildlands , Farcry 3 …

  27. I came from future… future games sucks!!!

  28. Well i can highly recommend you to play, rdr2, gta5, the Witcher 3, got and WD 1, WD 2 🔥

  29. I have played most of these except for a handful and I plan on playing them also, great list, idk I might have to put odyssey over black flag though

  30. It's so sad there was never a prototype 3. Such a good game imo.

  31. Its a crime that you dont have Dragons Dogma on this list. One of the best games ever, and hands down the coolest magic skills of all time. The combat is sooooo nice.

  32. i beg that ghost of tsushima comes out on pc soon

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